Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas`

Holidays got you Stressed out? Go here, click to hear the song and do, DO, sing along. Trust me, you'll laugh, and laughter as you all know, is a stress reliever. Go. Go now. It's worth it.

Me? My little boy has croup (again) so I got 3 hours of sleep last night. I'm getting my coffee.


Anonymous said...

That was *classic*...
Hope your son feels better soon, and you're able to get some rest tonight!

Laura said...

Hey Michelle, thanks for linking me, I didn't expect to see that! Cool. I can't believe you found that video clip, that is so cool. I've loaded it onto my blog. Too funny! I just love when he really goes for the "FALLL on your Knees!"
Thanks again!!

Unknown said...

I finished my last phone shift around 9pm so now I can do some blog visiting.

Trisha said...

Stopping in to wish you a happy holiday season and a peaceful and blessed new year!