Friday, February 13, 2009

If Dogs could get sainthood . . . .

This dog - 'our' dog - came with the house we are renting.

No joke. His name is Oso, and he's an old mutt with grey whiskers.

Apparently, he was a much better guard dog before his 'mate' died. Now you can really say that his bark is as bad as his bite - they are both Nil!

But if ever a dog deserves sainthood I would christen him "Santo Oso de Perro" since his patience with our three young ones is divine!

long suffering, patient, loyal . . .this is the youngest of my three just using him like a bongo . . .

Santo Oso de Perro, folks . . .


Anonymous said...

Everybody needs such a sweet, mellow dog!

Jen S. said...

Some people don't think that animals will be in heaven, but I think they will! Most certainly your little Saint will!

Mozi Esme said...

Aww - sweet! We had a dog with our rental in Mozambique, and he was an angel, too, after my husband established the alpha thing with him! He was a big barker, bit when "necessary," but totally gentle with our baby and our bunnies.

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Awww...the very best kind of dog!

K said...

Aw, he's a cute dog!!

Kelly Lynch said...

Oh my, Michelle...I just about burst into tears when I saw your pictures. He looks so very much like Robin! They could've been siblings. She has recently passed on. You will have to check out my blog.So awesome that you have a dog that is great with kids.

Rebecca said...

I can read his mind in that second to last photo, "So, are you going to just stand there taking the picture? Do I get some payment for this abuse? Cookie?"

Great shots, Michelle!

Anonymous said...

Santo Oso de Perro? Love it.
